Work Package 2
Mooring loads assessment and reduction, shared mooring validation
Objective: De-risk innovations that lower mooring costs over 50% and enhance structural survivability
A mooring refers to any station keeping configuration to which a floating structure may be secured. The mooring provides to a large extend the restoring forces holding a floating structure secured to a location at the water surface whilst allowing some free movements.
A fundamental design question is the understanding of the mooring restoring forces that will allow to secure the floating structure but, in case for wave energy devices, not to impede the energy extraction modes. The capital cost of present mooring systems is estimated to incur about 10% of the capital cost of a typical marine energy converter installation. OPERA is addressing the design and cost challenge of the mooring through the introduction of a novel mooring component an elastomeric tether developed by the University of Exeter.
OPERA will reduce the mooring costs in wave energy through:
- The use of shared mooring. In aquaculture shared mooring reduces mooring costs up to 50% and similar gains are expected in wave energy application.
- Elastomeric tether. Laboratory results validated with at-sea data demonstrate a load reduction potential of over 70% for the elastomeric tether, which would translate to cost reduction of the same order for mooring lines. Elastomeric tether greatly enhances survivability with respect to a low-cycle fatigue failure mode for mooring connections. Low-cycle fatigue resistance is a central technical challenge for wave energy.
For these purposes, this Work Package will
- specify the design requirements for a mooring condition monitoring system (CMS)
- design assemble and incorporate the CMS and the elastomeric tether in the shared mooring
- design, manufacture and bench-test a novel elastomeric tether
- evaluate shared mooring open-sea operation with and without elastomeric tether
A key aspect subsequent to the field demonstration and bench testing is to validate the advanced design towards their use in marine environment (TRL 5-6), with respect to uncertainty arising from gaps in the understanding of components tested under laboratory conditions (TRL 3-4).