As part of the many activities to promote clean energy transition being organized during the EU Sustainable Energy Week (EUSEW), the OPERA consortium hosted their final event in the Delegation of the Basque Country in Brussels on Wednesday 19 June 2019.

Started in February 2016, this H2020 project is coming to an end in a month. The vast research work undertaken has led to an invaluable amount of knowledge and experience that partners want to share with the sector to contribute to its development.

In particular, OPERA has collected, analysed and shared open-sea operating data and experience to validate and de-risk several industrial innovations for wave energy, taking them from a laboratory environment (TRL 3) to a marine environment (TRL 5), and opening the way to long term cost-reduction of over 50%. The four industrial innovations validated in the two open sea test sites (Mutriku Wave Power Plant and BiMEP site) were:

  • Novel biradial air turbine
  • Advanced control strategies
  • Elastomeric mooring tether
  • Shared mooring configuration

Analysis of the field-testing campaigns confirm the potential of these innovations to significantly reduce the cost of wave energy generation.

Event presentations can be found here . More technical results, recommendations and lessons learnt will be published by the end of July 2019 in the deliverable section of this website.